Modern Day Cure, a worship band led by Aaron and Tamar Chipp, recently released their new single 'Confident' ahead of a new EP due out later this year. We caught up with the two of them to find out a little more.
Tell us a little bit about this new single of yours?
Aaron: Confident came out of a season of transition and uncertainty. During our recent move from Michigan to Nashville, we didn't have all the answers, but we knew God was leading us into a new place and would direct our steps. We believe his word, and that's why... Read MoreModern Day Cure, a worship band led by Aaron and Tamar Chipp, recently released their new single 'Confident' ahead of a new EP due out later this year. We caught up with the two of them to find out a little more.
Tell us a little bit about this new single of yours?
Aaron: Confident came out of a season of transition and uncertainty. During our recent move from Michigan to Nashville, we didn't have all the answers, but we knew God was leading us into a new place and would direct our steps. We believe his word, and that's why we can have confidence. It’s our prayer that through CONFIDENT, people will be strengthened and encouraged to put their hope in God.
You have a new EP out in 2018, can you tell us a bit about that?
Tamar: We’re in the process of writing and tracking for it now. It’s a new season for us as a band so this project is both a reflection of the truths we've learned and a declaration of hope as we look towards the future. We’ll release another single or two over the next few months and then we plan to release the full EP later in 2018.
Which is your favourite track on that EP that you can't wait to share with us and why?
Tamar: Since we just released CONFIDENT, it's our favorite right now! As we continue to write for the EP, we know we'll have some new favorites :) We’ve been so encouraged by the response from people who’ve said they've been impacted by CONFIDENT. We write songs for this exact purpose: to inspire and connect people to the Lord.
For people who don't know, tell us a little bit more about Modern Day Cure?
Aaron: Modern Day Cure is a worship band led by myself and Tamar. We are based in Nashville, and our heart is to exalt Jesus, share His truth, and see people changed by His power. Our name is inspired by Hebrews 13:8, which states, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” This truth makes Him the modern day cure. We believe Jesus is the answer the world needs today.
If you could work with any songwriter, who would it be and why?
Aaron: There are so many talented writers and legends. For me, it would probably be Jon Egan (I am Free, Overcome) because it was through his band (Desperation Band) and songwriting that the Lord first spoke to us to start our band and pursue songwriting.
Do you prefer playing live or working in the studio?
Tamar: We enjoy the recording and creative process in the studio, but we absolutely love playing live. Interacting, singing, and worshipping with others in the room is a great joy for us. It’s a dress rehearsal for heaven.
How would you describe your style of music and what are your influences?
Aaron: Our style is still evolving and we’re finding ourselves more with this new project. We define our style as contemporary worship with pop/rock elements. We love Elevation Worship, Jesus Culture, and The Belonging Co.
How would you define success in your career?
Tamar: We would define success as fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives and not wasting the gifts he’s given us. We don’t want to look back at the end of our lives with regret. We want to give God our all and serve others. That's true success for us.
What is your favourite album of all time?
Aaron/Tamar: It’s a toss up between two old-school gospel records: Helen Baylor’s Greatest Hits or Ron Kenoly’s Lift Him Up. We always listen to these albums when we have long road trips. Tamar can recite Helen Baylor’s testimony... “I had a prayin’ grandmother, oohyehhehh.”
You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your mp3 player. What track is it?
Aaron: Any song about God parting the waters or rescuing us, lol! In all seriousness, we love "God I Look to You" on the Bethel Music's Starlight album. It speaks so much truth and puts our focus on the Lord.
What does the next year hold for Modern Day Cure?
Aaron: In addition to releasing new music throughout 2018, we are also booking for next year. We hope to travel and worship with new friends and share the songs we've been writing. Our booking information can be found at
Modern Day Cure's new single, 'Highest Hallelujah', is now available on digital platforms. The single, written by Aaron and Tamar Chipp, along with Channing Gillespie, is a simple worship song that stays true to the band’s…