Charles Grace

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Singer, songwriter,and multi-instrumentalist Charles Grace, from California, just released his debut album 'The Wreckage'. Louder Than The Music caught up with Charles to find out how he started out making music, the stories behind his full-length album, and how he hopes his music will touch those struggling with self-doubt and depression.

For those who haven't heard of you before, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got involved in making music?

Sure! My name is Charles Grace. I live in Orange County, California. I spent my formative years growing up in South Carolina, which is where I cut...
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Charles Grace Releases Debut Album 'The Wreckage'
Sep 28 2020

Charles Grace Releases Debut Album 'The Wreckage'

Charles Grace, a singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist based out of Orange County, California, has released his debut album 'The Wreckage'. "The Wreckage is the turning point, not only on the album but in my personal…

Charles Grace Releases

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