Tim Mann

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Canadian worship leader Tim Mann has just released his new album 'The Dream Is Ended, This Is The Morning'. LTTM had the opportunity to speak to him about his album and his thoughts on writing worships songs.

For those who haven't heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got involved in making music?

Yeah, I'm a guy from just outside Toronto, Canada who loves to write songs that the church can sing and that hopefully inspire people to meet with their God. My family is musical so I grew up in...
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Tim Mann - The Dream Is Ended; This Is The Morning
Sep 20 2010

Tim Mann - The Dream Is Ended; This Is The Morning

We have been so lucky at LTTM over the last year to be sent e-mails from artist telling us about their latest album release, and what we have found over the year is how many great creative songwriters there are out there. So it…

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