Local Sound Releases 'The Free World, Vol. 2'

Oct 17 2020

What if Jesus liked the sound of good pop music? This question fuels Local Sound's passion and is fully reflected in their new EP 'The Free World, Vol. 2'.

The Nashville-based band built around the movement and community of MyLocal are best described as culture creators, crafting youthful, thoughtful, authentic and engaging worship for a new generation. The "local" within Local Sound speaks to the roots of their identity and call to serve, "We fully back God's dream of "The Local Church" and we believe that God, the original Culture Creator, has designed the local church as plan "A" - to immerse the world in His culture," the band explains.

With 'The Free World, Vol. 2', the "sound" element is unwrapped as a reflection of their heart and passion to unite the word of God with high energy, innovative music that reaches the world. The explosive pop soundscape and relevance of the inspiring message-driven songs that express the joy found in a life fully devoted to Christ on 'The Free World, Vol. 2' undoubtedly answers the initial question with a resounding YES.

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