Alex & Rachel Inman Unveil Music Video For 'Reconciled'
Alex and Rachel Inman, worship leaders out of East Texas, have unveiled the music video for their song 'Reconciled' which is also available on all streaming platforms.
'Reconciled' was written at the beginning of the pandemic when Alex and a friend were burdened for their congregation during that uncertain time. The chorus was birthed out of that writing session and became an anthem for the church by the end of 2020. Since then, Alex & Rachel have had a renewed spark of inspiration to write more songs for the church, and have released two EP's entitled "Worship Vol. 1" and "Worship Vol. 2", respectively.
I am reconciled by the blood of the Lamb
I’m no longer bound by the shame of my sins
I’ve been born again, and I’m alive ‘cause
You never gave up on me, You never gave up on me
I am reconciled to You
(Chorus of 'Reconciled')
Alex and Rachel Inman serve in their local church and lead worship for church groups in their community. Their desire is to write songs that glorify God, inform the saints, and teach correct doctrine according to the Bible, and to be a vessel of creating a culture of worship in the greater Church. God has commanded us, in his Word, to "let the Word of God dwell in you richly," and to "sing...with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Alex & Rachel Inman's music seeks to do those things by singing His Word back to Him, and to teach the truth of God to the listeners.