Keiana Parks Releases New Single 'Thirsty'

Apr 03 2023

Christian Hip Hop artist Keiana Parks, aka KP, has released her new single called 'Thirsty'. "I wrote this song for the Bizzle’s, the David Lynn’s, the Benjamin Watson’s and the Esther’s of our time", she explains. "It takes courage to go against the grain. In the same way, It takes a heart sold out for Christ, to stand for Truth."

"Even when accused of hate speech, even when misunderstood, even when persecuted (for righteousness sake) we’re still called, to be bold as lions. (Proverbs 28:1) Remembering this, that Christ is with us, wherever we go. (Joshua 1:9)

Unfortunately, many Thirst after the approval of this world, rather than, the righteousness of God. Drunk off the lies, of the god, of this world. However, there’s still time to sober up! (1st Peter 5:8) Your courage and obedience, can save a bloodline! It can save a nation! Yes! even, your own souls.

Show them Love they don’t know “For if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” (2nd Corn 4:3,4)

Keiana Parks is a Christian musician and YouTuber who was born in North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Since childhood, music has always been a big part of Keiana’s life. Growing up, Keiana and her brothers would make up songs and raps while playing “instruments” they found around the house, using utensils and pencils to create a beat. Although she was always drawn to music, she didn’t discover her full passion for it until she wrote a poem - but not just any poem, it was her testimony.

Since then, Keiana has ministered this poem over 100 times in different venues. Feeling God drive her toward music, she went on to write her first EP, “My Testimony.” From there, her first music video, “Love for the Lost,” was featured on Rapzilla, and from then on different acting opportunities, collaborations, radio appearances, and more began to pour in.

Having started out under the name “Lady JTO” which stands for “Jesus Taking Over”, she made the decision to put music out under the name God called her to be from birth - Keiana Parks. More than anything, Keiana’s faith in Christ is what drives her, and she uses music as a tool to help share Christ’s word. Her original poem turned out to be a driving force behind her path in music, and is one she is still on by the grace of God.

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