Mary Ozaraga Releases 'Fairytales' Feat. Claire Moodie
Mary Ozaraga has released a song called 'Fairytales' (feat. Claire Moodie). It was co-written by Amy Berry (Scotland, UK) and Mary Oz (Cebu, Philippines).
"Fairytales is about not falling for fairytales or foolish, shallow kind of love but giving ourselves value to seek for a love that is deeper, of worth and weight, not for us to keep only to ourselves, but one that is also worth giving."
It is performed by Singer songwriter, Mary Oz, and the lead singer of Amy's band, Stereo Lobsters in Kirkwall, Claire Moodie. It is a purely acoustic track - guitar and a blend of voices.
"Fairytales is the first of a 4-5 track acoustic EP I'll be producing and releasing further into the year", Mary explains. "The EP is called 'Not a Fairytale'".