Vineyard Worship Releases 'Whatever's In Your Heart'

Oct 22 2024

Vineyard Worship release second live single ‘Whatever’s In Your Heart’ from Dreaming The Impossible, a festival for young people from churches everywhere which grew to 4,500 this summer.

Vineyard worship leaders and songwriters Jon Solway and Beth Goodwright share their heart behind the song;

“So often we can be tempted to come into God’s presence with an agenda - with a prayer we want answered, or a situation we want changing. This song is a simple prayer to God, inviting him to do whatever is in his heart and positioning ourselves to wait on him, with expectant hearts. Whatever he wants to do - we’re up for it!

We love that this song has echoes of scripture: that we seek first his Kingdom before seeking our own agenda (Matthew 6:31), that we hunger and thirst for God’s presence (Psalm 63), and that we want to create space to wait on God for him to move among us (Lamentations 3:24-26).”

‘Whatever’s In Your Heart’ releases everywhere on 25th October.

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