Gospel Artist Shack Santima Releases 'Therapy'

Jan 13 2025

Gospel artist Shack Santima releases ‘Therapy’. "There are tracks that I always sit on and never release and it’s something I need to stop doing because I never know who might need them or what God could potentially do with them. I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since secondary school and never really spoke about it.

From taking antidepressants and other tablets prescribed by the doctors to help me, they only ended up making things worse. At times overly drinking alcohol that I hated but just wanting to numb the pain, landed me in hospital or in trouble. I’ve dealt with struggles of indulging in the flesh and sin in order to fill in a void that hurt myself and others.

With intrusive thoughts of taking my life. I was a suppressor and always bottled things in, very few people knew what I was truly going through since I knew how to mask it well with a smile or by not being serious. Now that I am healed from certain things but at the same time, I’m still healing from certain things. I want to get in the habit of being transparent and open and I do that best on a beat. Healing is found in being open, the same way when you have surgery you have to open up a certain area to operate internally to find out what’s wrong and deal with it. A reflection and extension of how God works with His healing grace.”

This is the final track of the 3-part saga released in Men’s mental health month, last November, first we had Anxiety Attack, then Don't Want To Hurt, now the story ends with Therapy. “This finale shows that I am seeking help from a human therapist and God who uses the therapist as an extension of His help. I hope this song will help those that are struggling.” Psalm 54:4 “Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life!”

Born in Congo and raised in Wales, Santima has spent the last couple of years forging his reputation as a rising standout lyricist, officially releasing his first single “Insomnia” in 2022, having started making music in 2014. Since then, Santima has dropped a slew of powerful singles including, “Husband Material”, “KJMJK”, “Surround Me” and his most popular record to date, “Of Course”.

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