Derek Webb's Worship Album 'Feedback' Arriving On CD
Former Caedmon's Call band member Derek Webb has his latest worship album 'Feedback' released on CD on 5th April 2011. The album was previously released exclusively on his website in November 2010. Working with his former bandmate Josh Moore, who also co-produced Derek's previous album 'Stockholm Syndrome', and Derek's wife Sandra McCracken, 'Feedback' has been described as 'an instrumental electronic album based on The Lord's Prayer'.
"These were our coordinates: we would seek to make a worshipful, instrumental, electronic music recording, classically composed into three movements, based strictly on the structure and content of the 'Lord's Prayer' which has three major sections, reflected in the three movements of the composition", explains Derek.
Each of the nine tracks on the album takes a different line from The Lord's Prayer, starting with 'Our Father In Heaven' and ending with 'Amen'. Said INO Records, "Derek has managed to supersede the main complaints of electronic music (artificial, plastic, cold, soulless, etc.) with enough creativity and emotion to make it live with a beating heart. Sprawling, mysterious, weighty and layered, Derek uses organic and non-organic musical elements, along with accompanying abstract pictures and paintings, to express one of the most powerful and intimate moments of the Christian faith."
Order 'Feedback' at
'Feedback' - Track Listing:
1. Our Father In Heaven
2. Hallowed Is Your Name
3. Your Kingdom Come
4. Your Will Be Done On Earth As In Heaven
5. Give Us The Day Our Daily Bread
6. Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors
7. Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil
8. For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory Forever and Ever
9. Amen