Paul Poulton Project Releases Single Ahead Of New Album

Jan 03 2013

The new single from Paul Poulton Project, titled 'Wade In The Water' has now been released on digital download sites, and is accompanied by a new video from the Blues-man featuring Paul Poulton, Denise J Thomson (Vocals/Drums), Leroy Johnson (Bass/Vocals) and Isaac Poulton (Percussion).

'Wade In The Water' is taken from the new Paul Poulton Project album, 'Words', which will be released later in 2013.

"'Wade In The Water' is picking up steam", explains Paul Poulton. "Listeners on Blues 'N Boogie have on average been rating it 9.8 out of 10 and it's got a pop score of 86/100 this week on Jango which is the 5th largest music site in the US."

"People sometimes ask me how I write a song. I tell them that the first ingredient is 'inspiration'. I don't even try to write a song if that important component isn't there. A good song can last a long time. I just had a quick look through radio playlists and songs I released back in the 1990s are still getting airplay. Music can go a long way, it's worthwhile taking time when writing and recording music. Songs can have a long shelf-life.

Look at the Psalms - David wrote his songs 3000 years ago and they are still speaking to each new generation of the human race. That's because David was inspired when he wrote them, God breathed through his lyrics and still does. Inspiration is available to us all in whatever line of work we do."

Paul Poulton Project previously released the album 'Some People Believe Anything' in 2011 and 'Too Twitchy' in 2010.

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