Canada's Andrea Vestby Releasing Debut EP 'Beyond The Fallout'
Andrea Vestby, a Canadian Christian contemporary singer/songwriter and worship leader at The Father's House church in Bon Accord, Alberta, will release her debut EP 'Beyond The Fallout' on March 29, 2019. The songs on her debut EP were written out of her own personal struggles to find hope and healing.
She has been writing songs for 15 years, but only recently began recording. She is an advocate to end domestic violence by sharing her story.
Her first single 'Hardest Time of Year' is close to her heart. It is a song meant to help us look outside of ourselves to see those who are hurting and to be there for them. The song was written the first year she became a single Mom to her six children, after 15 years in an abusive marriage. She has since found healing and restoration in her life, an amazing husband and 4 beautiful step-children. However, she never forgets the struggle and would like to encourage others.
"Music is my way of expressing what is in my heart. Some people write poems, some people paint pictures, and for me, I journal through song writing", explains Andrea. "I have many songs that I have written over the years. Some have been for my children, some for my family, some have been from a place of heartbreak and brokenness. I am not a trained artist who can write the music out meter for meter. My songs are written with chording and good old fashion handwriting.
My heart’s desire was to record my songs so that my children and my family would always have a part of me. Without these recordings, it would be hard for someone else to just pick up my music and know how it should be played or how it once sounded. I want a legacy for my loved ones. I want them to always remember me playing the piano and sitting for hours writing songs. I hope they touch your heart as they have touched mine."