Adam LaVerdiere Releases Debut Album 'This Is Revival'

Jan 15 2020

Adam LaVerdiere has released his debut solo album 'This Is Revival'. The record is a compilation of songs that bring to life and explain what God is doing right now. We are in the midst of the revival, and it’s only just the beginning. It’s time for the Church to awaken and step into the life we have been called to, and 'This Is Revival' is an invitation to join in the movement.

"It's like seeing color for the first time or having your heart start to beat again", explains Adam. "'This Is Revival' is intended to awaken the Church, believers everywhere, to begin living life in the way we were created to. Revival is the heart of God, seeing His children return to Him again, leaving death for life, and as believers, we have access to life unlike any other - and it's time we start living like it. 'This Is Revival' is an invitation to join the movement."

Adam has a passion for writing songs to encourage and inspire the Church, believers everywhere. Influenced by both worship and pop artists, his songs bridge the gap between Modern Worship and CCM. The lyrics work great in worship settings such as conferences and church services, and the catchy hooks and melodies grab and hold the attention of many.

"It's crazy to think that just a few months ago 'This Is Revival' was just a song, and recording a full-length album was just a really big God-dream", Adam continues. "I knew without a shadow of a doubt that He had called me to record these songs, but even with that confidence and clarity, I had so many fears and doubts threatening to keep me from pursuing it. After a while of praying and preparing, I knew it was time to take the step of faith, and we never looked back. Night after night our family (and so many others) prayed for God to work and make the project happen - and He did. Even through our doubts and fears, and, at times, our lack of hope, God remained faithful. That’s just who He is. Even if these songs don’t have an incredible impact in and of themselves, I hope and pray that this record will serve as a reminder of God’s faithfulness. We’re walking into 2020 with a confidence unlike any other, and I can’t wait to see what God does next."

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