Andrew Slater Releases 'Sunny Morning' Album

Sep 24 2020

Andrew Slater, a singer-songwriter and worship leader from Western Pennsylvania, has released his debut full length album 'Sunny Morning'. The album includes songs such as 'I Need Someone', featured in the video below, and 'Home', which Andrew says is "about waking up to the reality of God's love and faithfulness and finding a place of belonging in the Love of God."

Another song on the album is titled 'Scotland Park' which is about spending time with God on a sunny morning in the park. Having let go of the past, and embracing peace in Christ while taking in the beauty of God's artwork in nature.

"I write and sing to magnify the Lord and make Him known through music", explains Andrew. "I aim to write songs that are an invitation into the love of Jesus and songs that strengthen the family of God."

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