Matt Papa - Your Kingdom Come
Your Kingdom Come
05 Jan 2010 (US), 04 Jan 2010 (UK)
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Within the first few minute of Matt Papa's new release I knew this was a pretty hot album. Gently easing in to rocking drums and killer guitar riffs, Hallelujah, Our God Reigns sets the tone for something pretty special. Matt's voice comes in on this first track sounding incredibly similar to Delirious' own Martin Smith, which isn't a bad thing but, on second listen is definitely intriguing.
Lyrically this is a really strong album and, one of a rare breed, where musically the album doesn't suffer at all from it. As we progress further into the album some of...
Read More Within the first few minute of Matt Papa's new release I knew this was a pretty hot album. Gently easing in to rocking drums and killer guitar riffs, Hallelujah, Our God Reigns sets the tone for something pretty special. Matt's voice comes in on this first track sounding incredibly similar to Delirious' own Martin Smith, which isn't a bad thing but, on second listen is definitely intriguing.
Lyrically this is a really strong album and, one of a rare breed, where musically the album doesn't suffer at all from it. As we progress further into the album some of the lyrics are from well known prayers, and others, I'm sure, soon will be.
But it's as the album goes further into its 17 tracks that the Smith comparison gets a little confusing. By the second half the Matt's vocals start sounding more and more like Green Day's Billy Joe Armstrong. Again, not a bad thing, but strange considering where we started! Just listen to You Can Do Anything and tell me you don't agree!
I was a child of the 90's which has made me pretty opinionated on album length, meaning a 10 track album to me is just kind of a cop out. To see a 17 track album is awesome (3 of these are pretty short merge or enders) but unfortunately, and I'm not really sure why this is, towards the end of the album the songs begin to merge into each other and it just seems you've been listening for a life time. Now, I want to emphasise that this isn't a bad album, so this could be because of the ordering of the tracks or many other reasons but this did cost it something for me.
All in all, it is a great album of really great guitar driven rock songs, complimented by great vocals and beautiful lyrics. The transition between the guitar led songs kicking the album off and the more raw vocal and edgy styling's we finish with are pretty interesting but it is let down by the length and the questionable 3 fillers.
Review by Suzanne Physick
LTTM Rating 4 out of 5 Stars
Stand out tracks
Hallelujah, Our God Reigns
Your Kingdom Come
Here I Am, Send Me