Aaron Shust - Love Made A Way
Love Made A Way
10 Mar 2017
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Even with twelve years as a successful Christian music artist under his belt, Aaron Shust takes on new territory with his latest project: his first live album. Titled Love Made A Way, Aaron worked with producer Nathan Nickels to create this album.“I’ve always said that in a concert setting I want people to worship, so to have people singing along on the album is pretty magnificent,” Shust says. “When I invited people to be a part of this live album recording, I wanted to make sure they wanted to worship. I didn’t just want them to be spectators. I...
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Aaron Shust Announces 'Love Made A Way'
Even with twelve years as a successful Christian music artist under his belt, Aaron Shust takes on new territory with his latest project: his first live album. Shust’s new record for Centricity Music, Love Made A Way, is…