High School Musical 3: Senior Year is the third installment of the High School Musical franchise and is the first to be shown on the big screen. Set in the senior year of High School, they decide to put on one final musical. High School Musical 3 is a good clean family film full of dancing and song and with a bigger production budget, it is a sure hit with the fans. But it won't be everyone's cup of coffee, especially if you drink it.
To be honest though I was slightly disappointed with the film, I am a fan of... Read More High School Musical 3: Senior Year is the third installment of the High School Musical franchise and is the first to be shown on the big screen. Set in the senior year of High School, they decide to put on one final musical. High School Musical 3 is a good clean family film full of dancing and song and with a bigger production budget, it is a sure hit with the fans. But it won't be everyone's cup of coffee, especially if you drink it.
To be honest though I was slightly disappointed with the film, I am a fan of music and dance films, and like the previous two high school musical films, however I think I was expecting more, the production of the film was bigger, they had more special effects and bigger sets, however I think that brought the viewer away from the originality of the first two films, they seemed to focus more on the production then on the songs and dancing, which I believe could have been better, and they borrowed songs or bits of songs from the previous films. Though having said that, I feel that the film will probably grow on me, and being kinda like a critic I do focus on different things than a child does, and having spoken to various children and fans of High School Musical, they love the film!
So even though having said what I have said, I do recommend this film to fans of High School Musical, and those that do like films of a similar nature.