Ton Of Worship - A Ton Of Worship For Kids
A Ton Of Worship For Kids
17 Nov 2009
Your Rating:
This compilation of 100 songs for children on 4 CDs is a real mix of golden oldies, pure cheese and the odd song that you feel drawn to. I am shocked to admit that it does endear itself to you after a while and that the reason that you hold it in such contempt is the same one that makes you groan when Old MacDonald comes on for the umpteenth time; it is not aimed at the more refined palate; it is a fun way of introducing God's love to our children.
I listened to this with my 4 year...
Read More This compilation of 100 songs for children on 4 CDs is a real mix of golden oldies, pure cheese and the odd song that you feel drawn to. I am shocked to admit that it does endear itself to you after a while and that the reason that you hold it in such contempt is the same one that makes you groan when Old MacDonald comes on for the umpteenth time; it is not aimed at the more refined palate; it is a fun way of introducing God's love to our children.
I listened to this with my 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son and they both instantly liked very different songs. My son was very taken with the big band songs that were used for the 'Jonah' songs - "God said to Joe" and "God had a job for Jonah" so much so that when I skipped one of them in search of another song, he cried "I like that song." My daughter was typically girly and said that she liked the rainbow songs and promptly commented "not that one the other one" when I put on "Who put the colours in the rainbow" because she meant that she liked "God's promise is a rainbow" which is a very sweet worship lullaby. But in one fair swoop she highlighted the fact that there is something very odd about listening to your old primary school songs with your children and leads to the question, is there really a place for golden oldies on a compilation for the youngest generations?
Although when sung in Church as part of worship I cringe at songs such as "Hey Hey" and "God Loves Me Whoopah Wahey" (and yes I did have to look up how to spell that!) because if nothing else I can't abide the thought of worship songs teaching my children slang, the songs do have a fantastically catchy tune that my children love to dance to and somehow that makes up for the lack of literacy merit. The likes of "Great Big God" are always going to be popular in our household, however sadly this is nowhere near the best version of that song.
Like all compilations there are always going to be the songs that you skip to and the ones that you leave off the iPod, but you just can't help thinking that this compilation would have been better off going for quality rather than quantity. When I finally could bear the chipmunks (Blessed be the name of the Lord) and the cheese no longer and I put on some very tasteful adult worship songs that my children do sing along to, I was met with complaints from both of them, so I guess that target audience were impressed, just not the person that controls the playlist!
Review by Melissa Wood (and kids!)
Adult Rating 2 out of 5 Stars
Child Rating 4 out of 5 Stars
Stand Out Tracks
God Is Amazing
God Loves Me Whoopah Wahey
God Said To Joe