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7 Hills Worship

7 Hills Worship Releases 'Jealous Love'

7 Hills Worship - Jealous Love

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7 Hills Worship announces the release of their newest single, 'Jealous Love' written by Kaelob Mecum, Benji Cowart and Colton Price, also produced by Colton Price.

7 Hills Worship, is the worship team and band of 7 Hills Church in the Cincinnati area. Their goal is to bring a sound to the worship scape that advocates for the hearts of all who love Jesus. Honest and vulnerable lyrics that won’t hide from the realities of our walk with Christ, but rather encourage the conversation. They want to release heartbreaking love songs but also songs of joy that challenge and push our faith. They want to release songs that are corporate but also songs that are just for your quiet time. 7 Hills Worship wants to be a resource of music for all ages, spiritual maturities, and walks of life.

'Jealous Love' is an intimate and honest song about our walk with God. In our journey with God and Christianity we sometimes wander away and lose ourselves and forget about the beauty of our relationship with Him. The Chorus says, “With Jealous Love, half of my heart is not enough”. God is jealous for us. He wants every single part of us.

Kaelob Mecum, a writer on the song and leader of 7 Hills Worship says “I think as Christians we are all on this walk with God and for everyone it looks a little different. If we are being honest we’ve all had seasons where we didn’t worship quite as passionately as we did at say the beginning of our walk and maybe we don’t raise our hands, pray, or seek him like He deserves. The beautiful thing about God is He is jealous for us. He isn’t satisfied with 50% of our heart. So, His response is to chase after us. He’s always chasing us down and guiding us back into his arms.”

7 Hills worship hopes that Jealous Love allows people to reflect on their own lives and relationships with Jesus. We hope the song begs the question “How much of your heart does He have? How much of your attention is on Him? When was the last time you didn’t hold back in prayer and worship?

“Our prayer is, when people hear this song, no matter where they are in their walk with Jesus, they run full speed ahead to him.”

7 Hills Worship