Martin Frylink Smashes Stereotypes With New Single 'Behold The Man'

Dec 08 2020

Too often, Christian contemporary music is homogenized by a specific set of chord progressions, using some very predictable instruments and effects - which is why it risks all sounding the same. Not so with Martin Frylink.

His soon to be released single ‘Behold the Man’ breaks free of Christian musical tradition choosing not to compromise on a bespoke musical style to fit the mold. ‘Behold the Man’ continues Martin's artistic strategy of delivering big themed lyrics via a thoroughly enjoyable and intense musical experience. Driving drums, a catchy guitar riff, gutsy lead vocals, soaring backing vocals and some clever electronics awaits the listener. His sound is raw and retro. Blues rock, swamp rock, soul, garage rock, roots with electronics are all words that try to describe Martin’s genre. But in reality, it’s probably a combination of them all. He fills a genre void in contemporary Christian music that has largely been left open. For this reason, his new release deserves to be played and heard by those wanting godly lyrics without sacrificing this style and raw musical energy.

Former pastor turned singer song-writer, Martin delivers lyrical content that flows form his faith in Jesus, a faith that has grown stronger following dark times of clinical depression and acute anxiety. His writing avoids dishing out trite Christian cliches. Neither does it dismiss the pain experienced in life but acknowledges it. It then points to the God of all comfort whose grace and love can carry us through anything and everything if we let Him.

Martin’s debut EP 'Herald' has received great reviews getting airplay on many Australian radio stations including national broadcaster Triple J and 4ZZZ. Referring to ‘Herald’, Sight Magazine's Robbie Townsend declared "It's a winner". Writing about the 5th track on the EP 'Bleed Into You', Triple J's Nkechi Anele described it as "EPIC!"

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