Brothers McClurg 'Brothers You and Me' Single Set to Release

Feb 09 2022

Brothers McClurg will release their first recorded music in over two years. Well known for their stripped down, gospel folk sound that carried on the tradition of their family, the McClurg family singers; it is clear that the three core members of the band have done a lot of soul searching and have taken the band in a new direction lyrically and sonically.

"Brothers you and me" might be the band's most mature, exploratory, and deeply vulnerable song to date. With lyrics like "sometimes it's tough to be brothers," and "no one needs the last word, it doesn't matter who's right or wrong" we are invited into the nuances, and challenges of family relationships as the band sees it; and we can only deduce that after a decade spanning 6 albums, hundreds of tour dates, and co-founding a record label that they have direct experiences to draw upon and write about.

"We're excited for this new creative season of music for Brothers McClurg. Their commitment to a fresh sound that is an overflow of where they're at in their careers is a journey that we at Old Bear are looking forward to taking, supporting, and sharing with our fans and listeners." Look for "Brothers you and me" wherever you listen to your music when it releases on 2/4/22.

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