Interview: Ian Yates
British worship leader Ian Yates releases his new album 'The Hope And The Glory' in May. Based in Liverpool, this gifted songwriter and musician first came into the spotlight when two of his songs were picked up for Soul Survivor's 'The People's Album 3'. LTTM spoke to Ian to find out more.
Some people will first have heard of you from Soul Survivor's 'The People's Album 3' where a couple of your songs were showcased. How did that opportunity come about?
Around 2 years ago Soul Survivor were asking people to send songs in for a new peoples album. About a week before the closing date my brother told me about it and said I had to send 2 tracks in. So I sent in “Desperate” and “No one like You” somehow both songs got picked. It was a great project to be involved in. From that I ended up recording “Father Of Compassion” for the survivor sampler and from there I had the opportunity to record a mini album which turned in to “The Hope And The Glory”
Tell us a little bit about your new album 'The Hope And The Glory', and what the inspiration behind it was.
For me 'The Hope And The Glory' has 3 main themes running through it.
1. Hope for the broken, 2. A longing to see God move in power and 3. Who we are in Christ
We live in a broken a world. With so many broken lives but there is hope, there is hope in Jesus and because of what He has done we can bring hope to this broken world. Also I am longing to see God move in our town and city, I’m desperate to see lives radically changed by the manifest presence and power of God!
And recently I’ve really been inspired by the teachings of people like Joseph Prince, Joel Osteen and Rob Rufus. It’s so important that we as followers of Christ see ourselves as God sees us and not how we see ourselves. I believe this is a key to seeing breakthrough in our nation, that as we begin to see ourselves as God sees us our lives change, we begin to realise the power that raised Christ from the dead lives within us, that we are righteous and that we can see greater things.
My hope for this album is that it really inspires people and that God would touch and transform lives through it.
Which is your favorite track on the album and why?
Tough question...
I think at the moment it’s “Crying Out” - In 2008 we had some amazing meetings over the summer at church where peoples lives where transformed. People were healed, Lives were restored. We saw God move in awesome ways.
But I Know there is more.
This song is a cry, a prayer for God to move. I think this is the song of my heart. It is the cry for God’s glory, His fire, His tangible manifest presence that changes the atmosphere, Where demons have to flee. Where addicts are completely set free, where blind eyes open and where lives are redeemed.
I’m longing to see God break out in our town, in our city, in our nation, in our world
What's your song writing process?
This always changes. I’m writing all the time, and have been for about 12 years. I have books and folders full of ideas. A lot of the time ideas start off with a moment of inspiration, I try and record a demo of that and then usually it’s a few months or even a few years process of getting the song finished.
I love just putting down ideas and experimenting and I also love just getting my acoustic and just worshiping God and seeing what pours out.
At the moment I’m really enjoying co-writing. I’ve been writing with a great songwriter/worship leader Chris Sayburn from Leeds and I’ve been writing with 3 great friends who are involved in Elim worship
If you could work with any song writer, who would it be and why?
I would love to work with Martin Smith, his songs have made a massive impact on my life.
You're the worship leader at Elim Church Bootle, which has been described as one of the most deprived areas of the UK. What challenges do you face there and how does it affect the music you write?
In our area there is a sense of hopelessness. A lot of kids have no ambition, no aspirations. Their Dad may have been unemployed their Granddad may have been unemployed so that’s all they are used too. There are a lot of single parents and quite a bit of poverty. We also had a situation a few weeks back when while we were having a meeting at church, someone got shot down the other end of the road.
This may paint a negative picture, but the reality is Bootle isn’t that much different to a lot of the UK. It has it’s fair share of problems like a lot of places.
I'm longing to see a move of God in our town and city. As a church we are desperate to see God move. We believe He is the only thing that can change broken and messed up lives.
We believe that in His presence lives can be radically changed! We’ve seen this on a small scale and we’re believing for God to do more amazing things!
All around us are broken lives and that has an affect on what I write. It has an affect when I see the single mum with kids and they’re living in a mess or when I see so many lives ruined by depression.
But I’m believing and I have faith that God is going to do something amazing in Bootle and in Liverpool. It’s only a matter of time
In your opinion, what makes the perfect worship song?
For me it has to be from the heart and it has to be passionate! I don’t think it’s about how high it gets in the CCLI charts. I think some of the best worship songs have probably only been heard by God. As someone pours out their worship to Him in their bedroom.
Who are your musical influences?
After hearing Slash from Guns and Roses I wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Then around 1995 I first heard Delirious and they really inspired me to start getting involved in worship.
I love passionate music especially with loads of guitars. At the moment I’m loving Muse, Kings of Leon, Creed, Alter Bridge, Lifehouse, and worship music wise: David Crowder Band, Michael Gungor Band, Israel Houghton, Hillsong United. The new Passion album is really good!
You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your mp3 player. What track is it?
It would have to be “Did You feel the mountains tremble” Delirious - live in a can version. This song is so powerful and anointed. It always inspires me to worship.
What does the next year hold for Ian Yates?
Who knows what’s gonna happen. I’m just so grateful to God and the guys at Survivor for the opportunity to share these songs! I’m hoping the songs will really impact peoples lives and that God would just use them for His glory.
It’s been a long journey for me over the last 12 years. Many challenges, lots of ups and downs but I know God has been completely faithful through everything.
Part of this journey is to encourage people to never give up on the dreams God has given them! sometimes you feel like giving up or it gets to hard. But we can totally trust and depend on God. His ways and His timing are perfect.