American Pop Artist Brandon Watson Gets Personal With New Track And Independent Short Film 'Hold Your Breath'

Mar 30 2023

Multi-award winning pop/rock recording artist Brandon Watson announces the release of his newest project, “Hold Your Breath”, touches on mental health challenges, while getting personal with an emotional journey dealing with fear and anxiety now available on all major streaming platforms.

In addition to the single announcement Brandon Watson is known for his cinematic story telling with his thriller/suspense genre visual releases. Produced by The 1 Video Productions "Hold Your Breath" will be an independent short film with an extensive promotion schedule set to release in April 2023.

"I felt like I was suffocating, head completely under water, looking up but not being able to break for air," says Watson of his deep struggle with moving forward and dealing with fear and anxiety during a life-changing year..Watson says “Everyone in their life has had highs and lows and don't know where to go. But this was different. It felt like everything was trying to distract from a season that was suppose to be a celebration. I had no idea what I was doing but knew I needed to make a choice and move forward no matter what.

In this song Brandon shares a true life series of events that he had to face head on. The attention grabbing and emotional track, “Hold Your Breath,” will be available on all platforms March 31st 2023.

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