Interview: Chip K - thebandwithnoname

Sep 02 2010

thebandwithnoname have been together since 2002 but 2010 see's them come to a close. As yet another British group disappears from the scene, LTTM spoke to the group's singer ChipK to find out why they're ending and what happens next.

Can you tell us why you've decided to bring the band to an end later this year? Was it a hard decision to come to?

There were lots of contributing factors. Ultimately though, we all sensed it’s just God’s timing for this project to come to an end. We’re finishing at the top of our game!

What has been your own personal highlight of being in the band?

The lessons learned while we’ve ministered in schools. School is a great place to learn things - and not just for students! Some of the questions we’ve been asked at the end of our R.E. lessons have really inspired me to go deeper in my walk with Christ.

Who do you think will continue in the footsteps of thebandwithnoname in the future?

There are a few bands who really feel called to go into schools and present young people with the gospel in a language they can understand. This has been our mission all along, and now that we’re finishing we can see that the need is stronger than ever! These sorts of bands are an absolute necessity.

A lot of British bands seem to be ending at the moment, what's your opinion about the state of Christian music in the UK at the moment?

I see it a lot like a farmer’s field. There are times for planting and times for harvesting. There’s that great verse about how unless a seed dies it remains alone, but if it dies it multiplies. I’m hanging on to see a massive revival in the UK! Can you imagine… people saved, healed, delivered and powerfully filled with the Holy Spirit - at a gig?! Come on, Lord! Do it soon!

Tell us a little bit about your final album, 'The 4 Points' - it's more than just a best-of isn't it?

Yes, we included several new tracks including the4points. It’s the whole gospel in one song! Gotta love it. I think it really sums up what the band has been about all along. And when we perform it in schools, it’s great to hear all these un-churched young people shouting things back at us like, “God loves me!” and “Jesus died for ME!” There’s nothing like it in the world. Seriously, you haven’t lived until you’ve experienced something like that.

Which is your favourite track on the album and why?

I’ve always loved the song “Home” the best. Zarc Porter (our producer) really comes into his own with songs like this.

Who are your musical influences?

dcTalk, Family Force 5, POD, Kirk Franklin, Rebecca St James, !Audacious Band

What advice would you give to any aspiring bands or musicians out there?

Try to write songs that the Holy Spirit breathes through you. Musicians are prophetic by nature. There’s something really powerful that takes place when an anointed singer or musician or performer ‘hits their mark’ in terms of what God has called them to do. The devil shakes in his boots! Let’s model something great.

You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your mp3 player. What track is it?

Break Open the Sky - tobymac and Israel Houghton

What are your plans for the future?

The future is very bright for chipK! My solo EP is released the same night as our final gig [The Plaza in Stockport on 4th September] and I'm already in talks with the wonderful people at Cross Rhythms and about doing some work with them. Keep watching my Chip K facebook page for the latest news!

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