Rachel Chan - Go
10 Jan 2012
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The name Rachel Chan might be new to you but will be better known as the daughter of popular author/speaker Francis Chan (most famous for 'Crazy Love'). At 16 years old this is Rachel's first album, which is titled 'Go' and is ten tracks long. Could this be the start of a great career for this young singer?I have to admit I wasn't expecting much from this album, but from opening As Close to second track Prove It (featuring a guest rap appearance from her Dad!) there is a poppy-ness that is actually very enjoyable. Rachel has a pleasant...
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Rachel Chan Releases Debut Album 'Go' With Guest Appearance From Dad Francis Chan
Sixteen-year-old singer Rachel Chan, daughter of New York Times bestselling author and evangelist Francis Chan, released her first album 'Go' earlier this week. The album includes a guest appearance from her Dad, rapping on the…