Michael Boggs - More Like A Lion
More Like A Lion
25 Apr 2014
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Michael Boggs is an established singer-songwriter, has sold large numbers of records and had a hand in writing award-winning tracks. Michael Boggs’ latest album, 'More Like a Lion', is obviously crafted for the American radio market. The lyrics are very logically written, taking you on a journey with each song. The music is simple and catchy, never leaving you confused or stretched beyond your comfort zone. And Michael’s voice is powerful, warm and inviting. The production on the album is also top-notch. But are these things enough to equal a brilliant record?For me, the standout tracks on this album are...
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Free Song Download: Michael Boggs (FFH)
Former FFH singer Michael Boggs releases his new solo album 'More Like A Lion' next month. The album features the song 'What Would Jesus Undo' which is also being used in a Feed The Children campaign. Having joined the…