Jesus Culture - Let It Echo
Let It Echo
15 Jan 2016
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Jesus Culture Music have released their new album and ninth live recording titled Let It Echo. The album captures the heart of the community of the one-year-old church in Sacramento, CA seeking Jesus with a desire to know Him more and to see this passion spread from cities to nations.It might just be me, but I have started to know what to expect from a Jesus Culture release. When you have a lot of a good thing it can sometimes loose its impact. The impact that this band made on the Christian Music world was astonishing. Nobody had heard...
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Ninth Live Album For Jesus Culture 'Let It Echo'
Capitol Christian Music Group (CCMG) and Jesus Culture Music announce the new album and ninth live recording from Jesus Culture releasing on January 15, 2016. The album title - Let It Echo - captures the heart of the community of…

Kim Walker-Smith - Jesus Culture
LTTM caught up with worship leader Kim Walker-Smith to talk about the new Jesus Culture album Let It Echo, and find out why they recorded it live. Kim tells us a the stories behind the songs and why she loves what she does.…