UNSECRET & Sam Tinnesz Present 'Better Together' A Celebration of Community

Jun 17 2020

Sam Tinnesz and UNSECRET had worked on dozens of songs together, but collaborating remotely during a global pandemic offered a unique challenge. The result was the new song, and video, 'Better Together'.

Using Zoom had become part of “the new normal” for most businesses, and the music community was no different. Sam and UNSECRET were hesitant at first--could they achieve the same level of creativity in a virtual writing session?

They decided to give it a shot. Sam and UNSECRET are known for dark and hard-hitting music, but the quarantine and isolation offered a new muse: togetherness.

The verses of the song could still reflect the difficultly of the times, but they wanted a chorus charged with positivity. After a few hours wrestling with ideas over Zoom, they finally found something special. But now they were faced with an even more demanding task: recording the song. Sam had never recorded his own vocals, but the circumstances provided an opportunity for him to test his technical skills.

He sent the results to UNSECRET for editing, then they planned their next steps. They wanted a live band to perform the song, but how would they accomplish that when no one could be in the same room? They started with the guitars.

Todd Lombardo - a highly-accomplished Nashville session player - was their first choice, and fortunately the quarantine had freed up his schedule. He recorded acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and even some banjo, which added together to become the foundation of the musical track.

Next came drums with Miles McPherson, then bass with Tony Lucido, two other phenoms who were able to record their parts from the comfort of their homes. But it still wasn’t enough. The last chorus needed something big, so they turned to two friends who could nail the vibe: Ruby Amanfu and Sam Ashworth, most recently known for their work with the artist H.E.R. Ruby and Sam were able to add --remotely, of course--layers of vocals that provided a “virtual choir”, once it was combined with everything else by another friend, seasoned alt-rock mixer Chad Howat.

In some ways, it was the most difficult song Sam and UNSECRET had ever worked on. But in other ways, by relying on a network of musical friends they’d built over theyears, the song came together more quickly than anything they’d ever done.

The best part was that the song showcased what being “Better Together” is all about: finding meaningful ways to connect during quarantine while longing for real connection in the future.

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