Interview: The Word66
Christian rock band The Word66 have released their debut single 'On The Way To The Promise Land', based on the book of Exodus. Louder Than The Music caught up with the band to find out how they started out, the message they hope to share, and their plans to release more music in the future.
Tell us a bit about yourselves and how you got involved in making music?
We are just regular guys who love God and our Lord and savior. Music has pretty much been our burning desire. We all have done several musical projects throughout the years with some more successful than others. Staring when we were little kids day dreaming and wondering when it will all come together.
Tell us about the new single "On the way to the Promise Land" and the inspiration behind it?
It's based on the Book of Exodus. The lyrics take you through some of the key documented events. And the inspiration behind the song came as I was reading the word.
Do you have any plans to release any further music in the future?
Absolutely. We have several more tracks ready to go. Just trying to do this in a strategic way if that makes sense? Our next track will probably be a rocking cover of "Spirit in the Sky" where we had one of The Voice contestants singing background.
What message would you like people to take from your music?
That God is for us. No matter what your going through you are never alone. Being able to send out a positive message through our music is a blessing. Hoping it will touch at least one person.
How would you describe your style of music and what are your influences?
I think we are a Christian rock band with a touch of commercialism. Some may consider us to be hard rock and some metal. Which is fine with us. We play what feels natural. My influences are some classic rock bands like Sabbath, Priest, Zeppelin. As a guitarist have always been a big fan of Van Halen, Vai, Satrianai, Gary Moore to name a few.
How would you define success in your career as an artist?
The meaning of success has changed over the years. At one time is was going platinum and headlining Madison Square Garden. Now being a messenger for God and sending out positive vibes, though the music influenced by the Holy Spirit, and touching people in a way that will make him proud is success. If the aforementioned scenario is in the plan that would be awesome. LOL. Let's see where he leads us.
What is your favorite album of all time?
Man you got to put on the thinking cap for this one. My tastes have changed over the years. Pink Floyd's Animals, Alice in Chains Dirt, Joe Satriani's Surfing with the Alien, Foreigners 1st album, Jars of Clay. Is that more than one?
You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your phone. What track is it?
Sweet Caroline from Neil Diamond. LOL. Just messing. That's an easy one "On the way to the promise land."
What does the next year hold for you?
We are hoping to have all of our tracks available with a signed deal. Playing out live and bringing our energetic show nationally and abroad. And most importantly, spreading the word of God to all who will listen. If you dig what we are doing please help us spread the word and like, follow, subscribe and comment. God bless.