Awards-Winning Netherlands Pop Band Trinity Releases 'Don't Be Scared' Video
Awards-winning, Netherlands-based band Trinity releases its second video, 'Don't Be Scared', from it’s Trinity Street EP. The video was recorded while Trinity was on tour in Basel, Switzerland.
Here’s the story behind the song and video from Trinity’s lead vocalist (and horn and flute player) Elbert Smelt:
"Sometimes songs you write come right back at you like a boomerang… “Don’t be Scared” is one of them. I was stressed out about safety issues ‘round my home when this song came back from the mixer. As you might know, we live in a vibrant, and sometimes rough, neighborhood of Amsterdam. We had started all over by selling our house and moving to this project to live amongst homeless moms who are being sheltered with their kids. At the same time the war in Ukraine broke out.
The world was dreading the moves of scared and angry presidents on the global chess board. Climate issues are knocking at the door. More and more people are alone. Lonely and afraid we pull back unto islands where we think we are safe… But fear creeps in anyway. At least in my case it did. And then I heard this song. About second chances. About enough love. About hope. And I smiled again."