Firstfruits Music Awards Announces It's Winner & Runner-Up!

Apr 11 2024

Did Australia just achieve a double Cricket World Cup win?

This may not be the case, but for two song contestants from Australia to secure first and second place in the 2024 Firstfruits Music Awards global contest, must rival a double win in cricket.

With registrants from 29 countries and song submissions from 6 continents, this Christian global song contest for emerging and independent Christian artists has certainly grabbed the attention of the world.

Nigel Swaby, Founder & CEO, Firstfruits Music Awards said, “I was absolutely astounded by the quality, variety and creativity of submissions we received and to have four artists from Australia whose songs feature among the top 12, is a testament to Christian Australian musicianship. Nashville, the Australians are coming for you!”

Winner Tula Bollendorf from Queensland commented, “What a privilege and incredible journey it has been to carry ‘Worthy Is The King’ from a lounge-room melody into its final production. It has truly been a labour of love with the heart of collaboration honoured throughout the project. Whilst we acknowledge all good gifts come from above, we are also humbled by the recognition through Firstfruits Music Awards as gifted emerging artists. Without the support of those who sowed into our music ministry the finial production would not have been possible. To those people I would just like to say thank you for your generosity and favour on this project. It is our passion to continue to create quality God honouring music that worships the father in spirit and in truth.”

Reacting to his achievement, runner-up Harry James from Victoria remarked, “It’s a blessing to receive this recognition for my song ‘Mercy’. Several years ago, God stirred in me a desire to write songs for him, and that gift has become a deep well of faith strengthening, life giving water through many seasons. Filling our lives and hearts with music, that is grounded in the Word, has amazing effects. Thank you to Firstfruits Music Awards for the opportunity to share my music and the message of God’s grace. God bless.”

When asked if the contest will operate next year, Nigel responded, “Although we’ve seen much fruit from the contest with so many lives blessed, it has personally been an extremely demanding project. We’ve learnt a considerable amount during the process, what we did well and areas for improvement. Although there are no current plans to launch a contest for 2025, I have not ruled out any future events. Watch this space!”

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