Interview: Anya Lee

Oct 22 2024

Anya Lee talks to Louder Than The Music about her new single "You're The One", and tells the inspiring story of how a near-death experience changed her outlook on life.

For those who haven't heard of you before, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got involved in making music?

Thank you for asking! For those who may not be familiar with me, I grew up as the middle daughter of an Army Chaplain, deeply rooted in the church. I’m an introvert at heart, a lover of nature, and a proud dog mom to a spirited boxer. My musical journey began in my father’s church in Brooklyn, New York, where I sang in three-part harmony with my sisters and mother. We’d sing for services, special events, and holiday gatherings-some of my fondest childhood memories. As I grew older, I continued to sing for events like Vacation Bible School and church prayer breakfasts.

While I’ve always been passionate about poetry, it wasn’t until my college years that I started writing music. It didn’t come easily at first, and I wasn’t sure where to turn for support, so I kept those early songs tucked away in a three-ring binder for years. Music ministry remained a central part of my life, whether it was through church, community choirs, or school ensembles. Even as I pursued a degree in Education and Psychology, my heart never strayed far from worship and songwriting.

After college, life took some unexpected turns. Between several major surgeries and a couple of personal heartbreaks, I found myself drifting away from my music. But in 2019, everything changed. I had a near-death experience while hiking and was rescued in what I truly believe was a divine intervention. That moment reignited a deep hunger to create music and share it with the world, though I wasn’t sure where to start.

In 2022, I stumbled upon a note in that old three-ring binder about Nashville Christian Songwriters (NCS). Around the same time, I saw an ad for them, and I knew it was time to take my music seriously. After participating in a couple of courses, John Chisum encouraged me to take the next step and record my music. That led me to unforgettable experiences recording at Wierok and NCS studios in Nashville with incredibly talented people like Greg “Gregatron” Williams, Phoebe Scott, and Josh Green.

Since then, I’ve been blessed to continue growing under the mentorship of John Chisum and Kevin McNeese of New Release Today (NRT). I’ve kept writing, learning, and practicing, and it’s been an amazing journey that I’m so grateful to be on.

Tell us about your new single 'You're the One' and what the inspiration behind it was?

"You're the One" is deeply personal for me. As a Christian divorcee, I’ve often felt judged, misunderstood, and even ostracized, both within the church and outside of it. The pain of having your life upended and losing someone you thought was your other half is a trauma that’s hard to describe. On top of that, I was facing major surgeries and medical challenges, which left me feeling even more isolated.

But in those dark valleys, when everything felt overwhelming, God continually reminded me that I wasn’t alone. He was pursuing me, loving me, and wanting the best for me-even when I felt like I had nothing left to give. That realization guided me out of one of the darkest seasons of my life. Even now, when I face new struggles-whether it’s work stress, health flare-ups, or moments when I feel isolated-God meets me in those places. He renews His promise that He is the one who will never leave me, who truly longs for me, and who loves me unconditionally.

"You're the One" became an anthem for me-a reminder that, in every storm and on every mountaintop, God is the constant. I wanted to write a song that celebrates that truth, that no matter what we face, He is always the one we can rely on.

Do you have any plans to release more music in the near future?

Yes, I’m really excited to share that I do have more music on the way! In fact, I’ll be releasing a Christmas song in the coming weeks-a cover of a song I fell in love with years ago that’s been a favorite of mine. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I can’t wait for everyone to hear it.

Beyond that, I feel incredibly blessed to continue working with the amazing team that brought my last project to life-Greg “Gregatron” Williams, Phoebe Scott, and Josh Green. But I’m also thrilled to be collaborating with some new friends in the CCM world who have pushed my music to new heights and challenged me in ways I never expected. I have to pinch myself sometimes thinking about what’s ahead. Stay tuned-you’re going to love what’s coming!

You have an incredible story of surviving a near-death experience - tell us how that has shaped your life and the music that you make?

Yes, I certainly do have an incredible story, and it has made me overwhelmingly grateful for every breath, every step, and every song since that day. Before my near-death experience on the Appalachian Trail, I was hesitant when it came to my music. I believed the lie that no one would want to hear this precious, fragile thing that the Lord was growing in my heart. I held back for far too long, keeping my music tucked away in a binder, afraid to share it.

While I found other ways to use my gift-singing in church worship teams and community choirs-I knew God had more in store for me. But I didn’t fully step into that calling until after my near-death experience.

Since that miraculous moment, something has completely shifted in me. I’ve felt this unquenchable desire to write, sing, create, and share the music God has given me. It led me to Nashville Christian Songwriters (NCS) and to the mentors who have shown me how to bring my music to life. The self-doubt that once held me back has been replaced with a tenacity I didn’t know I had.

This second chance has given me not only a new appreciation for life but also a platform to share my story and testimony in ways I’m still processing. It’s an incredible gift, and I pray over it constantly, asking the Lord to guide me as I continue on this path.

What message would you like people to take from your music?

If there’s one message I hope people take from my music, it’s that no matter what you’ve been through-whether it’s heartbreak, loss, illness, or feeling misunderstood-God sees you, loves you, and is with you through it all. My own journey has had moments of deep pain and isolation, but it’s in those valleys where I’ve experienced God’s faithfulness the most. I want my music to remind people that they’re never alone. Even when life feels overwhelming or when it seems like no one understands, God is present, pursuing us with a love that never fails.

I also want people to know that there’s hope on the other side of suffering. My music reflects both the struggles I’ve faced and the healing and renewal I’ve found through faith. If my songs can help others feel comforted, understood, or inspired to keep going, then I’ve done what God has called me to do. Ultimately, I pray that my music points people to God’s unwavering presence, reminding them that His love is constant, no matter what life throws at us.

If you could work with any songwriter, who would it be and why?

That’s such a tough question because there are so many songwriters I admire for their incredible talent and heart. It would be a dream come true to collaborate with artists like Sarah Reeves or Stars Go Dim. Their music has a depth and authenticity that I really connect with, and I think we could create something really special together.

I also have a lot of love for artists like Asha Elia, Sharyn, Doe, Evan & Eris, Annatoria, Rivers & Robots, Sal Ly, Matthew Parker, and Number One Gun. They’re all on my playlist right now, and I’m in awe of their unique sound and the way they infuse faith into their music. Each of them brings something so fresh to the table, and I think collaborating with any of them would push me creatively and allow me to grow as an artist. It’s all about creating music that moves people, and I feel like working with them would help me reach new heights in my own journey.

How would you define success in your career as an artist?

For me, success isn’t about fame, fortune, or living in luxury. I don’t need a mansion or a million-dollar tour bus. What matters most to me is being able to share my story and, through that, bring people closer to God. If my music can touch someone’s heart, inspire hope, or lead someone to Christ, that’s true success.

I’d love to reach a place where I can do music full-time, pouring everything I have into this calling. To be able to go to bed exhausted but fulfilled because I said “yes” to God with every step-that’s the dream. Success, for me, is about being faithful to who God has called me to be, both as an artist and as a person. I’m excited for what’s next and trust that the Lord will guide me into each new chapter.

What is your favorite album of all time?

It’s impossible for me to choose just one album as my favorite-I’m such a lover of music, and my tastes span a wide range. But if I had to narrow it down, I have a three-way tie at the moment:

1. Hawk Nelson’s "Letters to the President" - I sang this album at the top of my lungs in my first brand-new car and knew every word by heart. It spoke to me in that raw, angsty way that resonates with you when you're a young adult trying to figure life out.

2. DC Talk’s "Nu Thang" - This was a cassette I wore out on my Walkman! It gave teenage me a new way to sing praises to God, while also being cool enough to catch the attention of some of my peers who weren’t believers. It helped me share my faith in a way that was relatable to them.

3. Steffany Gretzinger’s "The Undoing" - This album is like a worship rollercoaster in the best way possible. Whether you want to be still and soak in the presence of God or dance and sing your heart out, this album will take you there.

Each of these albums impacted me in different seasons of my life, and I love how they remind me of both my own journey and the power of music to reach the soul.

You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your phone. What track is it?

Why are you doing this to me? One song?! That’s so hard! Honestly, I’d probably stress out so much that I wouldn’t pick anything at all! But if I have to choose based on what’s been on my heart lately, I’d go with "Stay With Me" by Annatoria. It’s the first song I play every morning right now. The lyrics-“So, stay with me. Oh, Baba God, won’t you stay with me? Fambai neni. Stay with me. Say you’ll be there. Stay with me, Baba.”-have been the cry of my heart as I navigate some tough situations.

There’s something about that prayer for God’s presence that has been grounding me in this season. It’s a song that speaks to me in the deepest way, reminding me that no matter what I’m facing, I can always ask God to stay by my side. Hallelujah.

What does the next year hold for you?

The next year is going to be full of growth and new opportunities. I plan to write more music and head back to Nashville to record at NCS with John Chisum and as many talented people as I can collaborate with. I’m also excited to challenge myself by learning to play the piano-something I’ve always wanted to do.

Beyond the music, my heart’s desire is to share my story and testimony with as many people as possible. I want to connect with others, whether through performances, conversations, or just sharing life together. Above all, I’m committed to growing closer to the Father, listening for His voice, and saying “yes” to wherever He’s leading me. I believe there’s so much more to come, and I’m ready to embrace it.

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