Interview: Christian Anderson

Nov 18 2024

Christian Anderson talks to Louder Than The Music about his band's new Christmas single, 'I Heard The Bells (Peace On Earth)', and lets slip some "Top Secret" news about releasing new music in 2025!

Can you introduce yourself and tell us how you got involved in making music?

I’m Christian Anderson, a music artist from Flint, MI. I took piano and drum lessons since I was about 5 years old. Since I was 8, I was heavily involved in the worship team at various churches and the drum line of my high school marching band. Writing music in high school and college became my form of release during the hard times, and I found myself writing songs that impacted others more than I could imagine. One year into college, I took a leap of faith towards God’s plan for my life. I dropped all my classes to commit to a life of making music. I had no idea where to begin, but I started making calls to friends, and God started providing the connections I needed to find a studio and record my first album.

Tell us about your new single 'I Heard The Bells (Peace On Earth)' and why you decided to create a fresh take on this classic Christmas carol?

I am SO excited that the release of my new single is finally here! My dad first introduced me to this song only a few months ago, and after he told me the story about how it was originally a poem written during the Civil War, I knew it sounded interesting. The lyric “for hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth good will to men,” was what drew me in. I felt that line has an actual impact in the world‘s fragile state today. I believe we desperately need and crave peace. To me, this song provides us listeners with an amazing decision during a joyful time like Christmas: we can either choose to focus on the hate and evils of the world, or we can choose to let the Hope of Jesus Christ and His love prevail in our own hearts and minds. Musically, I found that the best way to capture this kind of emotion was to create a sort of “rhapsody” that audibly moves with the same dynamics as our own emotions, doubts, fears and joys.

Do you have any plans to release more music in the near future?

I hope to release more music in 2025. It’s kind of top secret, but I have about 6 new songs written that I am excited to take to the studio very soon.

What message would you like people to take from your music?

My hope is that anyone listening would know that God has put something amazing inside of you, and He has great plans for your life. Whether you’re in a season of celebration or a season of deepest pain, I try not to make music that tells you how you’re “supposed to feel.” I want you to feel the truth of what you’re going through, because being honest with yourself and your own emotions is the best way to open the door to forgiveness, gratitude, and compassion.

How would you describe your style of music and what are your influences?

I would describe my music as “Epic Christian Pop.” My musical influences include: John Williams, Hans Zimmer, Coldplay, James Blunt, Daft Punk, The Glitch Mob, Bruno Mars, David Crowder, For King & Country, and The Afters.

If you could work with any songwriter, who would it be and why?

I’d have to say Joel Smallbone or Brandon Lake. There are very few minds in the Christian music world that I think resonate with the same thematic understanding of the world, of the epic power of music, and of music’s influence on our daily spiritual warfare. Both of these writers understand what it means to call upon the power of courage that God has put within us and why we desperately need people to have courage to share the hope of Jesus with others who so desperately need a light in their lives.

How would you define success in your career as an artist?

Success as an artist to me means: being true to who God says I am, making songs that give myself and others personal and universal anthems to sing in the dark times, using my gifts to their fullest potential, and simply having fun hitting a drum on stage while I get to sing my heart out with a crowd of strangers - who by the end of a night I could call friends.

What is your favorite album of all time?

I can’t deny the impact that the Run Wild Live Free Love Strong album had on me back in high school. It was the song “Shoulders” from that album that I could fairly confidently say, if I had never heard it, I might not be making Christian Pop music today.

You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your phone. What track is it?

“How He Loves” by David Crowder

That was possibly one of the first Christian songs I heard

What does the next year hold for you?

Making music and being a performing artist is a humbling and challenging journey. All I can say is, at the end of the day for me, it’s all about being faithful to God and go where He leads me. I am so honored to be a part of the upcoming film, “No Address.” It’s seriously a mind blowing privilege to say that my song, “You Don’t Fight This Alone” was selected to be used in such an uplifting film that is taking action to help those facing homelessness in our country. I am so excited to see the film at their red carpet event in February 2025. For next year, I hope to meet more of my fans on the road, tour as many cities as I can, and share some of my new songs that have been on my heart.

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