Interview: Desperation Band

Oct 03 2014

The youth worship band at Colorado Springs-based New Life Church, Desperation Band, have just released its new album, 'BANNER'. Recorded live during the July 2014 Desperation Conference, the acclaimed, 12-song album captures the spirit and energy of youth at worship during the conference. LTTM spoke to Jon Egan to find out how they put together this new album.

Tell us a little bit about your new album 'Banner' and what the inspiration behind it was?

We knew we wanted to get back to our wheelhouse and recording live has always been what we do best. As much as we needed the studio album process for our own growth, our hearts have always been the congregational setting.

“Banner” was one of the first songs we wrote for the album. Going to scripture, I love Moses’ statement, “The Lord is our banner.” Thinking about the thousands of students who we knew would be coming to the conference and the thousands who have come, I felt this project would be the perfect home for a song like Banner. These students are a great picture of the people of God, on a journey from slavery to promise. I brought the lyrical idea to some of the guys who were building a track and we married it. We knew early on we should pattern the whole project around this theme.

Which is your favourite track on the album and why?

“Make A Way” is my favorite... from the writing of it, to singing with our church and on the road, it’s a “stick out” song for me. For one, it declares Jesus. Jesus being the center of our faith and all we are. We need songs that declare who He is.

The “where there is no way You make a way” section came out of an amazing story I heard from a couple struggling to have children. They were told there was no way they could conceive because of an irreversible issue related to the woman’s brain stem. Her body was actually telling itself it was pregnant so it would reject actual pregnancy. It was a unique situation that could only change with a miracle. Long story short, they have multiple children now after years of believing for God to make a way. I believe this song is a reminder to those who have forgotten, Jesus made a way, He will make a way, and is making a way!

BannerWhat's your song writing process?

I’m very much a theme writer. My iPhone is full of themes that I want to write on. My process has always worked better when there is an idea at the core. Like “Banner” for instance, I wanted write that theme for a year before it happened. “Break Open,” another track on the record, was inspired by the story of the woman breaking open the costly perfume (worship) over Jesus… that’s an idea that I had been working on for years. Most of my songs start with a theme. I collect themes from just about anywhere. I’ll jot down a comment our pastor makes from the pulpit or I’ll hear someone say something that sparks an idea. Or, I’ll read a paragraph from the scriptures that slays me or pick up a new angle of looking at something by a trusted author. Sometimes I sense something the Lord is saying through my devotional time with Him. Often I will bring these themes to the team so we can flesh it out together. I’m so proud of the guys and girls coming up as writers. It’s been amazing to see.

If you could work with any song writer, who would it be and why?

Good question. I feel so grateful to have worked with some of my favorite writers. I think the one writer I would love to work with is Martin Smith. He’s been a long-time hero of mine and such a big influence. I love how he doesn’t just sing, he leads. He is a prophetic voice and his songs have been a vehicle. I love his approach and risk taking. I think Martin has pushed the boundaries and many have been able follow, including me!

Who are your musical influences?

I have a small obsession with film scores. The way they create hooks and melodies to communicate a story is just amazing. I love OneRepublic. Great hooks and production. Worship-wise, I love and appreciate most of it but I love the risks and songs coming out of Hillsong. They are amazing writers and amazing people.

How would you define success in your career as a band?

For us, it’s simple... Did we hold to our innocence? Did we keep on because we held to the conviction of when we first started? Like the scriptures say, “what good is it to gain the world yet lose your soul?". We have drawn some hard lines for ourselves to ensure we keep our souls. We are at church more and on the road less. We keep to the commitments made when we began this adventure. I believe if we do this well, we are successful. It may not mean album sales and notoriety, but I believe it’ll mean a better race, which in the long run is more effective.

In your opinion, what makes the perfect worship song?

I’m not sure about the perfect worship song. But I believe the strongest worship songs have one key ingredient- it sings ETERNAL truth. There are great songs for the day, great songs for the season, but there’s something significant about the songs that can be sung at any time, any place, with any group of people. The songs that were completely true 1,000 years ago and will be just as true 1,000 years from now. On a more micro level, worship songs should have a clear picture and say one main truth. I find that the newer and greener writers are lyrically saying many things. Those many things may be true, but it doesn’t make a great song. I tell them to pick one of the truths, and write each and every line around that one idea. Then of course…sing the melody we’ll never forget! I always say that melody puts a song on the map, but lyrics keep it there.

What advice would you give to any aspiring worship leaders or songwriters out there?

One… be yourself. God (and the Church) doesn’t need carbon copies of something or someone else. It’s you, fully alive, that is needed. Two… Never forget the bigger picture. We are shepherds first, musicians second. Our music and songs are not meant to taste like us. They should taste like Jesus.

You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your mp3 player. What track is it?

Abba by Jonathan David Helser. It’s a simple song that keeps it in perspective for me. It’s based off of Brennan Manning’s words about the “Abba Experience". Breathe in and say Abba. Breathe out and say I belong to You.

What does the next year hold for Desperation Band?

We will do some events to support the project, but we will mostly be at home leading at church. Also we are working on the next idea for New Life Worship, which involves a lot of the Desperation Band guys. We are about to start tracking our services LIVE and plan on releasing less songs but more frequently. We want to include sermons and some of the incredible work of our resident thinkers, teachers, and theologians. We’re pumped about some ideas flowing around in our camp!

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