Interview: Shaun Groves

Jul 14 2011

Singer/songwriter Shaun Groves release his fifth album 'Third World Symphony' in August. The independently released ten-track album from passionate speaker and performer Shaun delves into his insight into life in the third world. LTTM chatted with Shaun to find out more.

Tell us a little bit about your new album 'Third World Symphony' and what the inspiration behind it was?

I've been speaking and singing on behalf of Compassion International for several years now. And traveling with them a couple times every year. As a result my theology, politics, finances - everything has changed. I've harvested sugar cane with Haitian slaves in the Dominican Republic who taught me about spiritual freedom, walked Kenya's second largest slum with an orphan who taught me about gratitude - I could go on and on about the wisdom and beauty shared with me by Christians in the third world. That term - third world - isn't a bleak one to me anymore. There are incredible gifts for rich people like us among the poor. Lessons to be learned. Glimpses of God to be had. This album is an attempt to share the riches of the third world with Christians of the first world.

Which is your favourite track on the album and why?

It depends on the day. Today it's Kingdom Coming. I'm at the end of a two week break, about to get on a plane and speak at a couple of festivals. It's days like this that I need to be reminded of why I do what I do - that it's worth it. Kingdom Coming is that rallying song for me - a mission statement for me. It's about God's mission: to partner with mere human beings to see His will done down here on earth as it's done up there in Heaven.

What's your song writing process?

Ugly. It's like archaeology. I get fragments of lyric and melody, mull them over for weeks or months or even years, pair them with other fragments, start over, try something else, start over. Writing isn't an easy thing for me. But I do love it. And I do sense that God is right there with me at times, whispering that next line, moving me to erase. Sometimes a song happens easily and quickly and I feel like I'm just writing it down. But that's rare. Most of the time it's blue collar work, digging in the dirt for pieces that might fit together someday.

If you could work with any song writer, who would it be and why?

Wayne Kirkpatrick is the most gifted lyricist in Nashville and maybe anywhere else. His years collaborating with Michael W. Smith resulted in my favorites of Michael's records. I have quite a few melodies recorded without lyrics. So Mr. Kirkpatrick, if you're reading this, I've got Thursdays free anytime. I'll even buy you lunch.

As someone who embraces the internet through your website, blog and social media sites, how does this help you as an artist releasing an independent album?

Well, I've always been on-line as an artist. I have Bebo Norman to thank for that. We went on tour together back in 2001 and after the shows I would go his website's message board and read review of the evening's concert. It was a great way to get fearlessly honest feedback, make changes for the next night, improve. When it was time for my label to build my website - I was signed to Rocketown Records until 2006 - I asked for a message board. That was my first blog really. I spent an hour or so there everyday writing, responding, reading along, getting to know people. That just evolved over time - I started a blog in 2005 and have been writing almost daily ever since.

When the label went under, I figured the opportunities to play concerts and speak would dwindle and I'd eventually go teach music someplace. But instead, because of the blog, my ministry and career hasn't ended yet. I've stayed busy and fruitful. And because so many readers have asked for it, I've made this new record. And they're spreading the word. Doing the math the other day I realized that if every reader of my blog were to buy this new record it would be in the hands and ears of as many people as bought my label records. Amazing! So thankful for all the support of fellow bloggers and readers.

Who are your musical influences?

Depends on the day but I'm a sucker for any great song, no matter the genre. I'm especially into lyrics - and great ones are getting harder to find it seems. I love Patty Griffin, old Elton John form the Tumbleweed Connection days, Billy Joel before he married a supermodel, Sting, some David Wilcox. Wow, I sound old. Lets' see...what current music am I into? I love Adele's new record. I like Taylor Swift's writing. I like well-crafted songs that are still very accessible to average Joe's like me.

In your opinion, what makes the perfect worship song?

Honesty. I think about the difference between what I'd say to my wife when we're alone and the kind of love song I'd write for someone else to sing on the radio. Big difference. It may impossible to put that private conversation between spouses to music but when I sit down to write a song to God I try to forget about fans, sales, radio stations, etc. I try to be alone with God - just me, my guitar, my prayer. If I could ever put that kind of intimate honesty into a song and keep every other consideration out of it, I'd feel like I'd gotten one step closer to a perfect musical moment. I'm not there yet. But I'm trying.

What advice would you give to any aspiring worship leaders or songwriters out there?

We can't write intimacy and honesty without cultivating intimacy and honesty in our relationship with God.

You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your mp3 player. What track is it?

Am I gonna die there? I'd skip the music and use the battery to make a fire then. I don't love music as much as life.

What does the next year hold for Shaun Groves?

More of the same I pray. Speaking and singing in eighty to one hundred cities on behalf of Compassion International, connecting the third world to the first world for the benefit of both. And the rest of life too - long conversations with my wife, laughing with friends most warm days in lawn chairs in the front yard, beating my kids in Scrabble and Candyland. And maybe even writing a few songs. We'll see.

Shaun Groves - Third World Symphony
Find out more about Shaun Groves and buy his new album 'Third World Symphony'

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