Interview: Seth Mosley - Me In Motion

Dec 31 2009

Seth Mosley is the lead singer from the three-piece rock band Me In Motion. Despite only recently arriving on the music scene, they have already scored a support slot on the Newsboys tour and are set to release their debut album in the Spring. Louder Than The Music chatted to Seth to find out the story behind this great new band.

In just a few years you've gone from forming a band to signing a record deal, releasing an album and touring with the Newsboys. How did it all happen so fast?

Well, it has definitely first and foremost all been a God thing, Him putting the right doors in our path to walk thru and the right people we've met along the way to help out MIM. It has been a culmination of everything that has progressed in both in our band career and my (Seth) career as a producer/songwriter - being able to connect with Newsboys and have their opportunity to co-produce/write on their new record which will release this Spring, and thru that, being able to take MIM on the road with them for this tour we're about to finish up.

We're just so incredibly thankful to God for having the opportunity to do what we're doing, and what we've been doing the past couple years, and know one thing: that we're going to stay faithful to Him thru thick and thin, just like He has for us all this time.

How did you come up with the name of the band, and what's the meaning behind it?

As a band name, Me in Motion is the summary of our mission for the band: to inspire people to not be complacent or apathetic with their life and their faith. We believe that God has an active purpose for every single person that is born, and that purpose be to get up and be movers-and-shakers to impact the generation around us for the Kingdom. It came from a quote from an author named Leo Tolstoy, that says "Everybody thinks about changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing himself".

We believe that this change starts inside, deciding to live a life of love, the life that Jesus called us to live when He gave the greatest commandment to "love God, then love others". It could be a lifestyle as simple as sitting by the lonely kid at the lunch table, helping your neighbor with a job, or just to give someone a much-needed ear.

Our band has a challenge to our audiences, in one question: "What would life look like if we REALLY lived out our faith in Christ?"

Tell us a little bit about your debut album and what the inspiration behind it was?

We're super excited about the album that will release this Spring (estimated March release). We are currently selling a pre-release version of the album online (available from iTunes and, and on the road on this tour now. But once it will hit shelves, we are adding 2 new tracks to it, which are still in the writing stages.

As I listen back over the record, I find common themes in every song of our purpose as a band, to try and encourage people to live out their faith thru a life of real love for others. Such as, our debut single "Losers" that refers to the lonely kid at the lunch table, referring to the section in Matthew 25 where Jesus speaks about reaching out to the "Least of These". And in "Leaving Here Someday", it is a super high-energy party rock song that talks about the things that really matter in life: "Nothing but love is worth the trouble, nothing else will last, I'm gonna give it all away, Cuz I'll be leaving here someday..."

The inspiration for this message has come from a few solid years of doing nothing but riding around the country touring in a van, living this crazy lifestyle. We've met so many different people, and heard so many different stories from kids that will come up to us after shows, and send us emails continually, expressing different things they are dealing with and want to change. It has really put in perspective for us as a band on what is really important to us, and how we realize that people need to find identity in living a sold-out life for Christ, where nothing else matters.

What's your song writing process?

It all starts with a hook, and a message. Could just be one line in my head that I walk around singing all day, or record in my crappy iPhone microphone on a long drive, then develops into a full song structure/melody, and then building the lyric around that message as we go.

The interesting thing about our song writing process, is that, a song is never complete until we've played and tested it in a live concert setting. We go into the studio and demo it out fully, but then take it to a live show. There could be drastic changes that need to be made after we see what people latch onto, relate with, and get into at our shows. So, I like to write at least 25-30 songs for a record, and test all of them live at some point, and when one is a winner live, everyone just knows it. Then go from there...

How would you describe your style of music and what are your influences?

We are a full out rock n roll band. I really like how a friend of mine describes our band's sound, so I quote:

"Even as they were grinding out show after show and connecting with fans those first couple of years, the band was also honing their chops and defining their sound, ultimately staking their claim in that corner of the musical landscape that includes influences like Jet, Foo Fighters, Switchfoot, Oasis, The Killers, Weezer, The Bravery and the Beatles."

It is high-energy, passionate, but fun at the same time. We have a light-hearted side to what we do. :)

What is your ambition for the band, what would you like to achieve in the next 5 years?

Global domination!

No, but really, we want our music and our message to impact every corner of the earth we possibly can reach.

We have a big heart for reaching out to countries that don't have much Christian Music, and touching these kids that need to know there is a hope, and a reason for their lives.
Some of our best times have been playing for people who have never been to a Christian concert, or even knew that Christian Rock Music existed. They just don't take it for granted, and are very open to what we have to say, even outside of our songs!

Long story short, we want the world to know our heart as a band, which is really just the heart of Christ, to love others.

What advice would you give to any aspiring bands out there, looking at starting a music career?

Be prepared to work! Especially nowadays, the term "paying your dues" is more applicable than ever. Nothing will ever be just handed to you without you proving you are 100% behind what you're saying.

Have a servant's heart. Know that when you go into a new venue, church, or wherever you're playing, that people are watching how you interact with everyone off the stage. It makes a huge difference to treat everybody with love, from the lady taking tickets, to the people loading the gear. Don't expect the world from anybody, but just remember, everywhere you go, to be humble in everything you do.

And write great songs! A great musical career starts with this. If you aren't able to, it's OK to find someone to help you. This is a very subjective topic, but in my experience and observation, a song isn't a great song until you see that people can relate with what you're saying, and that challenges them to want to better themselves, and to get closer to their Creator!

If you could work with any musician in the world, who would it be and why?

That is a tough one. On a couple levels, I really respect Jon Foreman (Switchfoot) for what he's contributed to the music industry, both secular and Christian. It really sets a great standard for a level of integrity we should all strive for, both musically, and lifestyle.

Also, it would be a great honor to work with Bono from U2. It's obvious what they've done for the world and the music industry.

You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your mp3 player. What track is it?

Once again, a VERY TOUGH ONE! And this may change if you ask us next week, or if we were in the mountains as opposed to an island... :p

I would say each of the band members would have a different song choice:
Dex- "Hey Jude" by the Beatles
Tim- "Let it Be" by the Beatles
Seth- "One" by U2

What does the next year hold for Me In Motion?

Expect to see MIM on the road just about year round on several different major national tours, as well as doing several headline dates and CD release shows. There will be a new music video releasing around the beginning of the year, and a big push to Christian radio as well, along with 2 brand new songs to be released in the Spring. Much more to be announced, as Me in Motion is constantly putting out new content on our webpage.

Me In Motion will also be returning to Europe for their second European tour in July of 2010. Dates TBA.

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